Grand (Prix) Theft Auto – Melbourne Grand Prix economic update

Posted on March 3, 2012 · Posted in News

Its that time of year again – when Victoria hands over the park and the money to Bernie Ecclestone, Bernie demands more, taxpayers complain and the Vic government bends over.  Our review of the Grand Prix economic assessment has been getting some attention, with Rod on Save Albert Park’s 3CR radio show, ABC local radio and a letter in The Age.

Under cost benefit analysis the GP has a negative net present value for Victoria – this hasn’t been contested for years.  The fig leaf of economic credibility the GP is given by its supporters is its value in promoting Melbourne to global TV viewers.  Tourism Victoria claims this has a value of $35.6 million, referencing a 2009 commissioned report by Comperio Research (whose website has been “under construction” for at least a year).  The Comperio report has never been released, so last week we launched Ecolarge’s first Freedom of Information application.  We’re looking forward to comparing it with an independent report by F1 industry watchers Formula Money which suggests Melbourne gets a mere $262,000 worth of exposure.  Stay tuned!